Reflection Papers

We will complete these short papers (minimum 500 words) after each round of presentations. The goal is to reflect on your own presentation and those of your classmates. Your paper should address the following prompts and questions.

  • In terms of preparing for your presentation, where were you most successful? Where were you least successful? Consider your research, your development of the ideas and argument for the presentation, your organization and writing of the presentation, your work on slides, and your preparation for the presentation itself (revising, practicing, making note cards, memorizing, etc.).
  • In terms of the presentation itself, where were you most successful? Where were you least successful? What felt particularly good about the presentation? What would you do differently in the future?
  • In terms of other presentations from our class, what did you find most effective? Least effective? Which slide presentation did you find most effective, and how so? Who was the most interesting and engaging, and how so? What do you want to try to achieve with or incorporate into future presentations based on what you saw?

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